Counselling for Anxiety and PTSD

I've been having counselling since the beginning for August 2106 to start recovering and picking up the pieces of myself that prematurity broke. I have suffered from anxiety and depression before over about a decade on and off. This is a new ball game of things I've haven't suffered before Jack's birth. Anxiety so severe … Continue reading Counselling for Anxiety and PTSD

It’s not that he can’t, he just doesn’t want to!!

Even though Jack is now considered healthy with his prong-less face and upward moving weight chart, we are still trying to catch up with where he should be. Jack has Physiotherapy every 3 weeks or so because his body is only the equivalent of 7.5 months old even though he was born 10 months ago. … Continue reading It’s not that he can’t, he just doesn’t want to!!